November 3, 2020

Dear Mr. Market:

November 3rd is looming large in many minds this year.  That’s right, it will be Dolph “Ivan Drago” Lundgren’s 63rd birthday!  Big news for sure, but unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know we also have a presidential election to decide.  

We know one of these three will be celebrating November 3rd.  How about the other two?

Okay, you may not be celebrating the great movie villain that day, but hopefully you do have a plan for voting.  Many investors are wondering if they need to have a plan for their portfolios, either leading up to or following election day.  There are interesting market factors to consider around election years, but are they compelling enough to act on?

In the most recent edition of “the Guide“, we focused it much on how the election will potentially pan out and what “Mr. Market” has done in years past as well as how that could play out in this very unusual environment. Click here to view the newsletter.

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Economic Outlook: The voice and face behind Dear Mr. Market

Dear Mr. Market:

We’ve written you hundreds of letters over the past decade and on occasion it’s nice to put a face with the name! Last week, Matt Pixa of My Portfolio Guide, LLC, was given the honor and opportunity to present an Economic Outlook to the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce.

We share it with you here and look forward to your feedback and questions!

PS- Click here to view the entire presentation but the “meat” of the show starts exactly at the 10 minute mark. Enjoy!