RIP Charlie Munger : Farewell to an Icon of Investing

Dear Mr. Market:

In the world of finance and investing, the passing of a visionary figure leaves an indelible mark on the landscape they helped shape. Today, we bid farewell to an icon, a man whose wisdom and wit transcended the realms of business and life itself. Charlie Munger, the renowned investor, philanthropist, right hand man of Warren Buffett and Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, passed away today, but his legacy endures through the profound insights he shared with the world.

Charlie Munger was a man who not only navigated the complexities of the financial world but also imparted invaluable lessons on success, rationality, and the pursuit of knowledge. Join us as we explore the essence of Charlie Munger’s wisdom through ten of our favorite quotes he shared over his 99 years of life:

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100 Reasons Why Your Financial Advisor Should Not Use Mutual Funds

Dear Mr. Market:

The stock market is made up of thousands of choices and one easy way to gain exposure to it is via mutual funds. While we don’t want to broad brush the topic, we’re going to get right into it and explain 100 reasons why you or your financial advisor should not be using mutual funds versus ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds).

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