December to Remember

Dear Mr. Market:Unknown-4

Periodically we write you “letters” about a whole host of topics. Last December we wrote one about Santa delivering us a massive lump of coal instead of what historically can be a friendly month with regards to stock market returns.

When you hear a “December to remember” what do you think of? For many it may be a cheesy commercial from Lexus; for us it’s a reminder that we’re still breathing after the worst December the stock market we’ve seen in over 80 years! As we’ve stated many times, however, people tend to have awfully short memories. It’s amazing how a strong January and a very decent year (at least in Large Cap stocks) has basically erased any notion that there could be trouble on the horizon. Seeing the market recover as sharply as it did last year was the worst thing that could happen for people.

Why? Continue reading

Don’t belittle your IRA Beneficiaries

Dear Mr. Market:

download“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” – Ben Franklin

“When it comes to divide an estate, the politest men quarrel.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

As Mr. Franklin notes, none of us will live forever. And if you have ever been part of a contentious division of estate assets, you surely know Mr. Emerson’s quote to be true. You can’t avoid death, but with some careful planning on your retirement accounts, your heirs can avoid (needlessly large) taxes and the quarreling. The key is setting up beneficiaries, and setting them up correctly. Continue reading

Annuities aren’t the only thing Ken Fisher is concerned about…

Dear Mr. Market:Unknown-1

If you follow financial news at all, you have likely been paying attention to the controversy surrounding Ken Fisher. Ken leads a firm with over $100 billion in assets under management, and he made some comments that did not go over well at a recent industry conference. Following that, the media dug up past comments of his from social media and other industry events. Institutional clients have so far pulled out over $3 billion invested with Fisher, and the company is understandably now in PR damage control mode.

Many are using this as an opportunity to bash him and his organization. Ken has rankled many in his industry, whether from his overwhelming marketing success or his “I hate annuities” stance, and it’s a convenient time to sling mud his way. Continue reading